Knee joint gonarthrosis treatment - complex methods of dealing with degenerative dystrophic pathology that destroys the joint joint and bone tissue. Doctors - orthopedists and surgeons - use drug therapy, physical therapy procedures, massage, recommend exercise therapy complexes that alleviate the condition, reduce pain and return the knee joint to mobility. Drug treatment and physical therapy are effective if gonarthrosis is in its early stages. If the disease is neglected, joint replacement surgery is more often used.

Traditional and alternative medicine methods are also widely used, eg hirudotherapy, sand heating, herbal compresses, Chinese plasters, Tibetan balms. Before resorting to the treatment of gonarthrosis with folk remedies, it is necessary to consult a physician about the suitability of the chosen technique.
Knee gonarthrosis therapy
The choice of therapeutic technique depends on the stage of the disease, on other diseases in the patient's history, and on the individual characteristics of the organism.

The main goals of prescription drugs for knee joint gonarthrosis:
- reduce pain;
- stop the inflammatory process;
- inhibit degenerative changes in the joint joint;
- restore lost mobility of the knee joint.
Drugs for gonarthrosis are divided into:
- analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs;
- chondroprotectors;
- vitamins and mineral complexes.
If the pills don't give visible results, they resort to injections that are injected directly into the joint. This procedure is called blocking. Chondroprotectives, anesthetics, corticosteroid hormones, hyaluronic acid are used for injections.
If a patient is diagnosed with grade 1 gonarthrosis, he is prescribed:

It's important to know. Chondroprotective drugs are prescribed as a background treatment. Should be taken for a long time, 3 to 6 months. You cannot try to replace the pills prescribed by your doctor with cheaper ones. They may not work, and you will waste time, and the person will develop grade 3 gonarthrosis, which is fraught with serious complications, eg synovitis.
traditional methods
Patients with gonarthrosis are advised to eat lice, nettles and celery. Fresh louse leaves can be used to prepare salads, which are seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil.
Nettle can be added to vegetable soups or you can infuse it with garlic and lemon:
The infusion must be taken daily. On the first day, limit yourself to 70 ml of the product and gradually increase the number of doses up to 3 times a day.

You can make compresses from a burdock rhizome decoction:

A useful and general tonic for gonarthrosis is a boiled beef broth. The healing effect is provided by gelatine, which is released as a result of prolonged thermal treatment.
To prepare the broth, take the knees and hooves of the meat, place them in a large pot, and pour water over them so that they completely cover the bones.
Bring to a boil and simmer until the meat and gristle are easily separated from the bones. 100 ml of broth should be taken before meals.

If a person is diagnosed with grade 1 or 2 gonarthrosis, the doctor may prescribe several physical therapy procedures:

On a note. Physiotherapy procedures can be performed at home, using a magnetic therapy device, which allows to relieve swelling and painful sensations, to stop the inflammatory process.
Alternative medicine methods include leech therapy or hirudotherapy.. . .This gonarthrosis treatment has many advantages:
- within 3 months, a persistent analgesic effect is achieved, which makes it possible to cancel drug therapy;
- metabolic processes are stimulated, blood microcirculation in the affected joint area is improved;
- the swelling goes down;
- joint mobility is restored;
- clots are eliminated, which are often formed due to the development of gonarthrosis.

Hirudotherapy gives the best results in the early stages of disease development. The healing effect on the affected area is due to the enzymes that the leeches release into the patient's blood after sucking on the painful knee. These are chemically active substances that:
- dissolve thrombotic compounds, prevent blood clotting;
- lower cholesterol levels;
- break down hyaluronic acid.
On a note. Enzymes such as eglin and kinase can replace nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics.

Special exercises
Recreational gymnastics is an effective way to treat pathologies that affect the joints. The purpose of the exercise is to strengthen the muscles, which will provide support for the damaged joint and allow it to return to mobility.
In gonarthrosis, strength exercises, prolonged walking or running are contraindicated. Classes must alternate with rest.
The positive effect will be noticeable if you exercise regularly for at least six months. Approximate set of exercises:

A set of therapeutic exercises is suitable for the treatment of gonarthrosis. A physiotherapist must be consulted before loading.
This method cannot eliminate the disease, but it is able to alleviate symptoms, decrease periods of exacerbation and also increase the effectiveness of physical therapy and medications.
Massagewith gonarthrosis:
- relaxes spasmodic muscles around the affected joint;
- accelerates the healing process;
- "Releases" toxic substances accumulated in tissues as a result of inflammation.
For the treatment of gonarthrosis, the following methods are used:
- Japanese, who works in the affected areas with the help of punctual physical effort;
- Swede rubs, stroking a painful joint with his palms;
- Finnish, when all kneading movements are performed with the thumbs.

Massage includes not only mechanical action on the affected limb, but also massaging the lower spine. During the procedure, the person should not experience pain in the damaged joint.
Self-massage is allowed at home. First, you should study the technique of performing massage movements:
- caressing;
- friction;
- crumple;
- tapping or finger shower;
- vibration.
Basic rules for the procedure:

Important. Before resorting to self-massage, you need to consult an orthopedist.
Disease prevention
Several reasons lead to arthrosis:
- overweight;
- wrong lifestyle;
- excessive physical activity;
- genetic predisposition.
The prevention of gonarthrosis includes several measures, for example, dieting, avoiding alcohol and smoking, physical education, which eliminates the increased stress on the knee joints. Sports activities for health include:
- Nordic walking, which uses special equipment such as ski poles;
- yoga, which increases joint flexibility, speeds up metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole;
- Exercise bike activities that help keep knee joints healthy.

If a person leads an active lifestyle - rollerblading, cycling, skiing, they should take care of protective equipment that will help prevent micro-injuries and significant knee injuries. Any physical activity should be moderate and sports activities should alternate with rest.